Over the past few weeks many of my patients have mentioned how they started January off well with their new year’s resolutions but have begun to lose all motivation. I have put together some ideas and personal experiences to try and help you keep going with your resolutions when there are so many temptations out there.
1) Keep in mind the long term health benefits of exercise

Exercise can help the elderly maintain their independence and is one of the most effective methods of weight management (a growing problem in western societies). It is also very important for our psychological health, exercise has been shown to stimulate the release of endorphins, which are natural pain killing chemicals that can also improve our mood.
2) Be Patient
3) Consistency is Key
4) Set goals and work out the best way to achieve them

If you are trying to lose weight, cardiovascular exercise can be very beneficial. Cardiovascular exercise basically means anything that gets your heart rate up such as running, swimming, dancing or football. For this type of exercise to be most effective, it should be performed at 60 – 80% of your maximum heart rate, which is a lot less strenuous than you might think (Subtracting your age from 220 will give you your advised maximum heart rate. You can buy a heart rate monitors from most good sports shops or online to monitor this).
However, building muscle can also help to help burn fat by increasing your metabolism; therefore a routine that contains both of these elements is advised.
5) Include Rest Days

But how much exercise do you need to do to be “healthy”?
The good news is that this exercise does not need to be all in one go and activities such as walking briskly to work, if your journey is more than 10 minutes, counts as part of the total. (If you want to know more about what would class as moderate or vigorous exercises, or if you are outside of this age group, there is more information on the NHS choices website
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For any help or advice feel free to call me on 07908 415 376 or leave a comment below and I will get back to you as soon as I can. To book an appointment call 07908415376 or use my contact form on my website: www.hbosteopathy.com but don't forget to ask for Hannah.