If you are happy to be referred they will ask your permission to write to the person they are referring you to with details of your case notes and any other information from their examination that they feel might help the clinician to treat you most effectively. This may help you to get better or faster treatment because the next person to see you won’t be starting from scratch and will have the benefit of another expert’s insight into your condition. If you prefer, you can ask for a copy of your notes to take to your GP or another doctor.
If you are referred, do keep your osteopath informed about your ongoing treatment, and feel free to continue to consult him or her about any other aches and pains you’re experiencing
About me

For any help, clarification or advice feel free to call me on 07908 415 376 or leave a comment below and I will get back to you as soon as I can. To book an appointment call 07908415376 or complete the form on my contact me page www.hbosteopathy.com. Don't forget to ask for Hannah.